It's Crazy
Nothing to say,
Nothing to do..
I will survive THIS day,
but tomorrow I will miss you!
Once I said "I love my life",
Now I say "I hate my life"..
I should have took the knive,
What else.. Should I raise?
I don't get it...
But something is telling me to not give up..
I want to leave my life behind me..
I want to leave my shit behind everything!
The tears are falling.. But it's not regular tears, it's tears of blood..
And they're not coming from the eyes.. they're coming from my arm as long as I can stand the pain!
The pain is undescibable.. It feels like the pain is taking over my life.
I try to release the heaviness in my body..
But the only I can get out from it is more pain in the end..
One day I will push hard enough to slice through my life!
I'm fucking sorry.. Fellas, help me, see me before it's too late!

In the dark...
No stars in the sky
One light in the dark
I can't see anything except my face
Nobody heard me
Nobody want to listen
Nobody awake
My voice just lose in the dark
In their world
I'm not alive
But I'm shouting in the dark
I'm shocking in the dark
I'm hiting in the dark
I wanna swallow the whole dark
I'll rip the dark
With my black knife
I saw a bleedingline
A shining line
It's the dawning of my life
FUCK THIS SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
a person I knew one time has truely done hes last..
I'm tierd of walking around in my own school feeling scared!
All I have to say is THANKS to the teachers that's preotecting my ass..
I can't have it like this..
My life is a disaster!!!
I can't take it anymore..
Ska jag skriva på svenska föe en gång skull?
Kan ingen hjälpa mig att komma ur mina fucking tankar om att ta livet av mig?
Tydligen inte eftersom att det ska ta sån jävla tid att dra fram alla provsvar av tester man gör.. jag mår så jävla piss, så please hjälp mig!!
Even I would look like this if this shit continues
And I will just be a memory..
If someone even will remember me..
I just wanna cry,
I just wanna take off,
But I really don't wanna die.
How am I compered to others?
I dont' know..
But I wanna take a rest..!
Remember me for who I am!
Not for who I WAS!!
Tiden vi hade <3
jag saknar dig mer än allt på denna jord..
Egentligen vill jag bo hemma, bo med dig...
Men det är något som hindrar det, sitter och gråter nu med tunga fina minnen
från dig och våra stunder!
Gymnasiet har startat nu och mina betyg ska läsas upp,
glöm aldrig att tårarna som jag nu fäller är ämnade för all saknad till dig <33
I'm alone..
Alone I sleep,
And alone I wake,
Alone I dream,
And alone I ache,
Alone I live,
And alone I cry,
Alone I think,
And alone I'll die,
Alone I try,
And alone I fall,
Alone I fail,
And alone I crawl,
Alone I break,
And alone I sit,
Alone I was,
Alone I am,
And alone I'll always be!!!
Deep Sigh..
Sitting here and the memories flewing through my mind..
Feels SHIT like always!
I can't do anything.
It feels like i should give it up..
But, some people wants me to NOT give up,
But why?
No one loves me anyway
At least it feels like that.
Then what's up next?
Help me someone..
Just help me..
Everything's falling apart...
For those who want to know how I feel;
I feel like an raindrop falling from heaven down into the middle of the endless quiet ocean...
And then cause a storm of raindrops that represents other perople in the world.
It always makes me feel like I am the reson of all suicide and depression!
Dark Thoughts
Old Times... I Feel exactly like the style I had.. That's my heavy feelings I'm trying to escape!